Napapiiri-Jukola 2021 - leg 7 (22.08.2021)
Kategori: Competition
Kart/område: Vennivaara
Arrangør: Ounasvaara Hiihtoseura ry
Land: Finland
Disiplin: Relay
Etappe: 7
Distanse: 18.78 km
Tid: 159:49 HR: 142
Maksimum HR: 171
Started in the restart, so a lot of people arround me. Maybe my best performance at Jukola so far. Only very small mistakes. Our 3rd leg runner mispunched, so no result for us this time.
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Napapiiri-Jukola 2021 - leg 7 (22.08.2021) Napapiiri-Jukola 2021 - leg 7 (22.08.2021)