Maislabyrinth-OL, Score (19-09-2012)
Categoria: Wettkampf
Distância: 1.7 km
Tempo: 16:20
Orienteering Competion race 16:21 [5] **** 1.7 km (9:37 / km) +0m 9:37 / km
spiked:25/25c shoes: Adidas Trail Response
Last run of the corn maze O - score
Orienteering was OK most of the time, legs getting more tired. Didn't make a plan in which order to take the controls before I started (could have wasted ages there), just started with one nearby, worked my way from there and striked the ones I had on the map. Was content with the order that I did take, but my boyfriend showed me a even better one back at home (but of course it's much easier sitting on the table).
All in all super-fun and a great way to spend an evening :)))
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Maislabyrinth-OL, Score (19-09-2012) Maislabyrinth-OL, Score (19-09-2012)