24h-OL, SEN5 (2013-05-11)
Categoria: Wettkampf
Distanza: 3.73 km
Tempo: 47:58
Orienteering Competion 47:58 [3] **** 3.73 km (12:52 / km) +164m 10:33 / km
spiked:10/11c shoes: VJ Supra 2012-2
24h-OL, SEN5
And my first (and only) night run this year. Fun course, but I just missed beeing able to run.
8) Searching for the control too early first. 1:30
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24h-OL, SEN5 (2013-05-11) 24h-OL, SEN5 (2013-05-11)