Campus Karlsruhe (2013-02-10)
Categoría: Training
País: Germany
Distance: 9.75 km
Time: 72:07
Orienteering training 1:12:06 [4] 9.76 km (7:23 / km) +17m 7:19 / km
spiked:26/29c shoes: Nike Air Pegasus+
Long o-training on a sprint map, organized by Georg. Catched my father after control 3 and from then we were chasing each other around the course, which made for a bit faster running speed than alone.
Good orienteering flow, 2 minor hesitations on 2 controls and one bigger blunder when I forgot a control on the straight line at a bridge and had to go back for it.
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Campus Karlsruhe (2013-02-10) Campus Karlsruhe (2013-02-10)