OO-Cup Stage 5, W21A long (2012-08-05)
Categoría: Wettkampf
Mapa/área: Magdalena
País: Slovenia
Disciplina: Long
Distance: 6.85 km
Time: 110:33
Orienteering Competion race 1:50:31 [4] ***** 6.85 km (16:08 / km) +280m 13:24 / km
spiked:18/21c shoes: VJ Supra 2012
OO-Cup Slovenia, Stage 5, W21A long, 4,8km +255m climb

Steepest one. 3/4 of the race were great and felt like the first stage, in control and everything + was able to push more than on the first stage - path routes were my friends. Unfortunately made some highly unnecessary mistakes still.
1) Knew from some others who made bad mistakes there, so took it very slow and secure.
8) First mistake of the race. Was nearly at the control, but unsure where I was and had to relocate twice until I found it. 4:30
14) Didn't see the good route around the lower paths and attacking the control from below. Had planned to follow the higher path until it ends and then contour around, which would have been OK too, but confused the paths and ended up completely wrong at at depression at the wrong side of the hill. Relocated there, but unfortunately now the best route was over the top. Hard climb :( 6:30 lost at least.
18) Was a bit too far first. 1 min.
19) Faster route maybe would have been the one over the paths right?
Total mistakes: 12 min. 1:45/km - pity, would have been a great race without 8 and 14
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OO-Cup Stage 5, W21A long (2012-08-05) OO-Cup Stage 5, W21A long (2012-08-05)