OO-Cup Stage 4 (04/08/2012)
Категорія: Wettkampf
Карта/область: Postonsjka jama
Країна: Slovenia
Дисципліна: Long
Довжина шляху: 6.05 km
Час: 92:28
Orienteering Competion race 1:32:23 [4] ***** 6.05 km (15:16 / km) +200m 13:06 / km
spiked:12/16c shoes: VJ Supra 2012
OO-Cup Slovenia, Stage 4, W21A long, 4,3km +200m climb

Felt better and with less mistakes than yesterday. Still mistakes, but kept them smaller.
2) Wanted to go straighter and end up on the other path. 1 min.
3) Clean, but super-slow, was suffering in the heat and sun and walked much too much of the route.
6) Too far south in the circle, took a while to relocate. 2:50
10) Too far north first. 1:30
13) Was exactly on route at the path, saw the cliff when leaving the path and then didn't go right as I should, but climbed much too far down instead. Unnecesary one. 2:40
Rest clean and reasonably fast.
Total mistakes: 8 min. 1:20/km - getting definitely better.
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OO-Cup Stage 4 (04/08/2012) OO-Cup Stage 4 (04/08/2012)