Saarlandcup + DPT Doppelsprint, Lauf 1 (2012-05-19)
Categoria: Wettkampf
Nome della mappa: Saarlouis
Disciplina: Sprint
Distanza: 3.82 km
Tempo: 25:47
Orienteering Competion race 25:44 [5] *** 3.82 km (6:44 / km) +5m 6:42 / km
spiked:12/16c shoes: Nike Air Pegasus+
Saarland-Cup + Park-Tour Doppelsprint, Lauf 1, LL 2,8km
Physically OK, but could feel the 3 races of the last days. Orienteeringwise not as clean as the relay legs yesterday, some unneccesary time losses.
1) Clean, but partly slow because we had to run through a market
2) Longer routechoice. 15s?
11) Didn't read the control description and expected the control at the wall and not down at the stairs. 23s lost
15) Longer routechoice. 10s?
16) Short moment of confusion about direction. 3s
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Saarlandcup + DPT Doppelsprint, Lauf 1 (2012-05-19) Saarlandcup + DPT Doppelsprint, Lauf 1 (2012-05-19)