Saarlandcup (17.05.2012)
Kategori: Wettkampf
Kart/område: Saarbrücken
Land: Germany
Disiplin: Long
Distanse: 7.77 km
Tid: 89:44
Orienteering Competion race 1:29:43 [4] 7.78 km (11:32 / km) +277m 9:47 / km
spiked:12/18c shoes: VJ Supra 2012
German university champs + Saarlandcup; D19 Saarlandcup, LL 6,0km + 240hm

Hard race because of all the climb. Felt OK on the flatter parts (but walking a bit too much if it wasn't on paths) and very bad and slow on the steeper parts...
Orienteeringwise good and mostly clean race, only some minor problems.
2) Little moment of confusion at the path crossing because it looked strange (can see now why, was coming from the upper one instead of the one I expected). 20s
3) Could have been a bit straighter. 15s?
4) Clean, but should have pushed a bit harder
8) Biggest mistake of the race. Was a bit too left and then let myself got confused by another runner who was running already to the next control and got even more left. Realized it at the meadow and then found the control. 1:40 lost
9) Was 5m next to the control but didn't see it and ran a bit further until I saw the tower. 38s lost (felt less, but GPS says it was that much)
11) No orienteering mistake, but stomach complaines so much by now that I needed a emergency break. 1:40
13) Routechoice mistake, should have gone around east of the builidings but didn't see it. 1min?
16) Ran a bit too far on the path first. 40s
Total time loss mistakes: 4:32 - hmm, more time lost than I thought
Tuesday May 15
7 PM add
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Saarlandcup (17.05.2012) Saarlandcup (17.05.2012)