DBK Nacht (2019-03-23)
Típus: Competition
Térkép/terület: Zellwald Ost
Rendező: USV TU Dresden
Ország: Germany
Versenyforma: Night
Táv: 13.03 km
Idő: 118:55
Átlag pulzus: 147
Maximális pulzus: 179
Event was cancelled because of storm damage last year. This year there were new storm damages. So a lot of fallen trees in the forrest. Was very tricky to follow the compass and hard to run. A lot of DNF and some injured people. Bif time loss to controll 10 when I followed a unmaded linear trace that ended sudenly. When trying to get to relocated a I started to follow the wrong small river.
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DBK Nacht (2019-03-23) DBK Nacht (2019-03-23)